Tuesday, 19 April 2011

The Art of Tagging - Secrets for Building a Killer Download Center

Have you ever done this trying to remember a person’s name?

"Ahem, let’s see, she had blond hair, she was one of your friends, she worked at Starbuck’s, I think her name started with the letter K… Oh yeah - Katie Johnson!"

As our digital piles of files stack up, we’re finding ourselves buried in folders within folders within folders, hunting through hard drives with clunky search tools, and monotonously clicking on files to be sure we found the right one. It gets worse when you have multiple people adding to files on a shared drive, creating folders, and putting documents, images, and digital video who knows where.

What if you could easily find a file by clicking on what you would naturally recall - dates, file types, and short tags of associations - short specific labels like company names, product names, specific people, etc.?

That’s exactly how the Wonderfile tag engine works - it works how you do, enabling you to tag your files in multiple ways - like a person thinks.

Wonderfile takes the practice of tagging (creating simple associations or labels) and moves it to the next level. By allowing users to organize short tags into multiple categories or "clouds", Wonderfile is the first scalable tag engine to provide an easy-to-use interface for linking and browsing multiple tags - providing tagging with a much needed organizational framework and creating an elegant, effective download center library.

A good Wonderfile tagger organizes files how people think and will create a killer download center that will save their organizations thousands of dollars in time and hassle.

Here’s how to master Wonderfile tagging in twenty minutes or less….

1. Brainstorm (7 minutes) - Think about the files you want to organize. Ask yourself one simple question - what are the common elements? Capture your ideas by writing them down. Don’t edit yourself, just write - this should take no more than 5 or 10 minutes.

2. Find Patterns (7 minutes) - Look for ways to organize your tags into groups (we call them clouds). Here’s an example;

Say you want to create a proposal library to put all of your proposals for your company in one place. The common key elements you found were.

Sales Reps (Cloud)
John, Cindy, Ralph, Fred, Tina, etc. (Tags)

Project Fees (Cloud)
$0-$5000, $5001- $15000, $15001- $30000, $30001-$60000, etc. (Tags)

Toro, 3M, State of California, Dell, etc.

Sprockets, Widgets, Chains, Cranks, etc.

Management Consulting, Programming, Marketing, etc.

Draft, In Review, In Play, Accepted, Rejected, etc.

The clouds provide the framework which organizes the tags. The tags are those little bits of remembered associations that enable you (and others) to easily click a few times and find what you’re looking for.

3. Create your Library (6 minutes) - on Wonderfile it’s simple. Visit wonderfile and set-up an account create your clouds and add a few tags (you can always add more) & start uploading into your new download center.

These three simple steps can save your company hours of time and hassle - not to mention the benefits of having a centralized online download center where you can easily share organized libraries of files with your clients and vendors.

Check out what makes Wonderfile so wonderful visit - http://www.wonderfile.com.

Author’s Bio:
David Carnes is President / CEO of ArcStone Technologies and founder of Wonderworks Software LLC. Mr. Carnes has over fifteen years experience working in the Internet industry. He is an avid guitar player and hard-core yoga evangelist living in Minneapolis, MN with his wife Lisa and their two sons, Jackson & Leo.

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